WordPress 5.3發布后,已連續兩次小版本更新,WordPress 5.3.1除了修正錯誤外,還包含了安全更新,升級是非常必要的。而WordPress 5.3.2,只是修正了5個錯誤,并不包含安全更新。

WordPress 5.3.2發布

WordPress 5.3.2發布



  • Date/Time: Ensure that get_feed_build_date() correctly handles a modified post object with invalid date.
  • Uploads: Fix file name collision in wp_unique_filename() when uploading a file with upper case extension on non case-sensitive file systems.
  • Media: Fix PHP warnings in wp_unique_filename() when the destination directory is unreadable.
  • Administration: Fix the colors in all color schemes for buttons with the .active class.
  • Tests/build tools: In wp_insert_post(), when checking the post date to set future or publish status, use a proper delta comparison.